Sunday, April 22, 2012

Have been  trying my hand in growing some heirloom tomatoes and some rainbow tomatoes from seed this year.  Hope to take them up to daughter for her garden and see how they grow.  Hope they transport well. Will give some to the neighbors here for their garden as well.  We will see who does the best in production.
Have done a lot of reading the past few days as it is raining  off and on every day.  The days are nice and warm though!  Made stuffed peppers for our game night Friday.  They went over very well.  Had bought some pastry shells to bake and fill for desert but...they did not turn out very good so I went ahead and made my own puffed pastry as I shoud have done in the first place.  I filled them with  real whipped cream and some wonderful tasting  fresh strawberries and red rasberries.  Yummy for sure!!!!  Had a  roudy game of TRAIN and realy enjoyed ourselves for the evening with good friends and family.
Have not been on in awhile.     After finishing the kitchen I took some time to finish up a painting I had been working on.We have so many of these bird in our yard I thought I would paint one.                       
Here is  a sweet picture I came across I just have to post.

Went out in the yard this morning to walk the dog and came across the bottlebrush plants  I had planed last fall.  What a nice surprise to see it in bloom before we head back up north.

Had a few new  critters visit  us last week.  One was a wild turkey  who did not want her picture taken,  The other was a large turtle.  Found him  just off the driveway so, I ran in the house to get my camera after taking a picture of him on my phone .  That little guy  took off so fast that when I got back  with my camera he was gone.  It could not have been more than 3 minutes!  He may have had short legs but he could use them.