The weather has surely worked in our favor and we have got most of the things done that we wanted to do before heading north. The flowers I planted seem to be enjoying their new home and adjusting well. Put down some of that ground cover that keep the weeds at bay and topped it all with pine bark for the time being. Wanted to put down white stone chips but Walmart has yet to get in a new shipment before we go so must use what they have. The flowers lasted a long time but all good things come to an end. The surrounding neighbors had some beautiful yards with so many blooms I had to take a picture of them. Here are two of the same yard at different views.
My brother had his MG out for a spin in the beautiful weather we have been having. He grins from the time he get in his little pride and joy until he gets out. He really enjoys buzzing around in the fair weather. I wish I had my MG down here too. We would be out buzzing around all the time together. Gram is no slacker at enjoying the fresh air and beautiful warm days lately. Here she is out on the porch doing her puzzle book and enjoying the view. The trees are getting greener and the grass is too. Had our first cut of the season a few weeks ago. It always looks so good with a hair cut. As you can see the dog is enjoying laying at Grams feet. She wait to see if Gram is eating anything then begs for a sample. Which Gram always give her. Not in this shot though.Well, guess that is it for pictures for this time. Tomorrow we have heard their may be bad weather so guess we were wise to get out and about this week and enjoy the good times.
Will be packing up and heading home up north the first of the month so will be real busy loading the RV and closing up here. Will be good to see the kids. Have misssed them a lot lately. Won't see grandson who is now so far away but he can certainly access this and keep up with us. Hope he enjoys the pictures.
i see!