Thursday, March 11, 2010


Can't believe  it is March already.  Time has rushed by and I have not entered anything since Feb.  We are finally enjoying some of the warmer days  here in Florida.  not many but some.  Have been working in the yard raking up leaves and pine needles  and pinecones and more pinecones.  They are still falling from the trees as we  rake.  This will be a never ending job  I am sure.   Little buds are forming on the trees and the early flowering redbuds are showing their beautiful colors.  Spring is in the air here. YEA!!!!    Don't have any pictures this time.  Have talked to Grandson Tom many times on the phone along with tex messaging.   He will be graduating from MP  training next Thursday ( 3/18/10).  His Dad will be going down this time to see him get his baret and badge..Tom is very happy to be moving on to his deployment soon.   Texas is getting boring out there in the desert.  He is anxious to see what Japan is all about.  Me too.  Can't wait for those first letters telling me what  interesting discoverys  he finds. 

The rain has come down in buckets today.   Two or three inches this morning alone.  We feel like we are in the middle of a river here.   We must get some fill to level out this yard and come up to dry ground again.   

February was a hard month on the family with the passing of a dear cousin, Martha, and late news of another cousin, Roy,  passed in Oct.   They will be surely missed.

This  weekend is cleanup days for the neighborhood.  So will be real busy again.  After the cleanup there is to be a big fish fry for everyone.  The guys in the 'hood  have so many frozen fish from all their excursions  they want to  unload some to the neighbors with the "big fry".That will be fun to get together after a cool wet winter. Not to mention  good eating.

Granddaughter  will have a birthday this month.   17  already. HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to Becky.  love ya!!!!



1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by to say sorry for your loss.

