Saturday, October 3, 2009


We had some friendly visitors yesterday.  You can barely  see them but there were  4 deer,  one was  less than a year old walking through our  side yard yeaterday around  3:30  in the afternoon.  got some motion pictures  today.  will try to load them on for you to see.  Don't know if I can do that but will try later.

 Also found a huge hornet nest outside my kitchen window  which we  promptly de-activated after the  twilight hours.


1 comment:

  1. We have deer come in the fall when they harvest the corn to eat whats left over in the fields. Three sides of our property is fields, beans or corn, so we see them often in the winter and fall seasons.

    I've never seen a hornets nest close up.. I don't know if I want to! Glad you got it taken care of!
